Dr. Veronica Swords

A humbling experience with Lyme disease during childhood was the catalyst of Veronica’s journey to use her own body as an infinite experiment to investigate our natural ability to heal through nutrition, herbal medicine, movement, manual therapy and ultimately acupuncture.

After observing the progressive rise in autoimmune disease and how lifestyle and environmental factors were negatively modulating the immune response, she left her career in design and creative direction in New York to pursue a calling to holistic medicine. She earned her master’s and doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from Pacific College of Health and Science.

Veronica has a fervent interest in digestive health, the autoimmune cascade, chronic pain, the gut-brain axis, and supporting patients emotionally through their health management. She dedicates herself to guiding the body back to homeostasis and helping others feel empowered through the physical and mental strength required to take control of their lives.